Saturday, December 1, 2012

25 Things Before 25

Updated post here!

Welcome to the relaunch of my blog! November 30 was my 24th birthday, and I realized that I have settled into quite a boring routine of practice, study, eat, sleep, repeat.  So I decided to do something to spice it up.  I made a list of about 50 things that I want to do sometime, that I've never tried before, then narrowed it down to the 25 things that I will try to do before I turn 25!  Here they are, with some comments about why I want to do it (in a completely random order):

1. Start a blog and keep it going regularly. I have had a blog in the past while I was traveling, but I haven't ever kept it going regularly.  I'll be updating with random tidbits from my life, interesting links I've found while perusing teh internets, and my cooking adventures, in addition to updates about these 25 goals.  I'm hoping to update the blog at least once per week.

2. See the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I've heard about this and it sounds crazy.  While I'm not sure if I would like it or not, it is definitely something I'd be interested in going to.  Maybe that's what I'll do next Halloween?

3. Watch all six Star Wars movies. (Part I) I think maybe I watched all of these at some point when I was a little kid, but first of all, I didn't understand what was happening, and I don't even remember if I saw all of them.  People reference it all the time and I never really fully understand what they're talking about.

4. Get a facial. I bet this will be good. My friends who have had them say it kind of hurts but your skin feels so much better afterwards.

5. Play paintball. I have wanted to do this since I first found out what it was by watching 10 Things I Hate About You at a sleepover.  I know people who have told me it kind of hurts when the paintball hits you but it seems super fun!

6. Eat sushi with raw fish in it.  I've eaten sushi before, but only the vegetarian rolls.  I'm interested in trying sushi as it's meant to be!

7. Try a gluten-free diet for a month or more. (Part I) I just want to know what this is like!  It will definitely be a huge challenge, since I'm a carb monster.

8. Attend a service at a Universal Unitarian church.  Since leaving my childhood church, I've been looking for a new congregation to join, but I don't want to be told what to believe by the church elders or whoever, so UU sounds like it might be a good match.  But I don't really know much about it.

9. Get my Master's degree.  Hopefully, I will be graduating this May.

10. Create a successful summer camp.  I've begun work on the McLean Chamber Academy already, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to recruit enough students and therefore pull it off.  You can check it out here. Do yoga.  Unfortunately, my summer camp plan fell through.  You can read more about that here.  So I decided to amend this thing to be something more achievable that I have never done before.  My dad has been doing yoga at least five days per week for about fifteen years, so I can just go one day with him and see what it's all about.

11. Eat lobster. When I was little I thought it seemed gross so I always refused to try it.

12. Run a 5K. This will make me get at least a little bit in shape.  My friends are training to do a half-marathon but I know that would unrealistic for me.

13. Set off a firework. I think pretty much everyone has, but due to my mother's paranoia when I was younger, I haven't even been close to one.

14. Do 100 push-ups (Part I). Along with running a 5K, this will make me get in shape (and give me great Michelle Obama arms!).

15. Cook something on the grill.  Another thing pretty much everyone has done except me.

16. Go to a professional conference.  This would be a great experience musically, professionally, and being-an-adult-ally.

17. Get a manicure.  I've only gotten a pedicure before, and usually my nails are really ugly - either really short and mangled from chewing on them, or with remains of a failed home manicure.

18. Read Moby Dick. I love "classic literature" but this is one I've never even cracked open.

19. Go to a casino. This is the quintessential experience of a 21-year-old, so I will do it only a few years late.

20. Perform a piece of music written for me.  I've always dreamed of doing this, and it will be a reality at my recital on December 9!

21. Be actively thankful for one thing every day for a month.  It's easy to forget how lucky you are for everything you have, so I want to appreciate the opportunities that I have had every day!

22. Donate blood (and find out my blood type).  This is a good thing to do to help out those less fortunate than me.  Plus, it's a good idea for me to know my blood type in case of an emergency, and apparently they can tell you what type you are when you donate blood.

23. Try using a menstrual cup.  This is maybe TMI, but suffice it to say I've been interested in trying one for a while.

24. Walk the full length of Broadway in New York.  I have been enchanted by this idea since about six years ago, when a friend mentioned to me that her sister did it.

25. Do a juice cleanse.  A lot of people I know swear by these so I'd like to give it a try.

I hope you'll follow along as I try all these things out this year!

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