Hello from Beijing for the second time! We've had a whirlwind past few days to close out the tour, and now I'm preparing to begin my time alone in the city.
As I said previously, we had a number of free days in Guangzhou, due to concerts that were canceled at the last minute by the concert presenters. My friends and I, like most orchestra members, spent this time shopping. I bought a new watch, a very nice small suitcase, and
some gifts for friends and relatives.
Then we traveled by bus to Shenzhen, a boom city created by the opening of Hong Kong around 15 years ago, according to my roommate. We stayed in a suburb of the city, where I had my first ever massage, which cost 90 yuan for 90 minutes - about 13 dollars. Our concert there was actually really good, in my opinion the best of the whole tour, which was a nice way to end things. Afterwards, of course, there was a huge party.
This morning we flew here to Beijing, where we are staying just outside the city. The tour officially ends on Saturday. Tomorrow we have a free day in the city. However, I will not depart until January 12. One of my friends from high school is studying abroad in Beijing right now, so I'm making plans to meet her on Saturday. The rest of the time I plan on doing some shopping and pampering myself a bit with all the cheap stuff here. Because I've been borrowing friends' computers throughout the tour to check my email and post on my blog, I don't know whether I'll be able to update again before I leave, but wish me luck on my Chinese adventures, and I'll post when I'm safely back home in Boston!
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