1. There are chains everywhere! You know those signs on the side of the highway that say what gas and fast food is available at each exit? I swear, at every exit on the highways I took to get here, they had to have two whole signs because there were so many different places. And now there are a ton of different chains surrounding my hotel for at least a mile in every direction. I'm going to take advantage of this tomorrow. I'm definitely eating some Chick Fil A for lunch, since we don't have it in Northern Virginia or in Connecticut!
2. Most people don't have southern accents. I kind of expected that everyone would, but really they don't! Even the people at the hotel have generic accents, and only a few of the radio announcers I heard on the way here had even the slightest drawl.
3. Kroger is the best! My hotel room for some reason has a microwave in it, but that's great for me! Instead of going out to eat, I went to the grocery store and picked up some dinner, plus some snacks and fruit for tomorrow. Kroger was the best grocery store I've ever been to! It was like, normal grocery store mixed with Whole Foods. They had everything you could imagine, plus lots of types of prepared foods.
4. You totally need a car here. It took me an hour and a half to get here from the airport and there wasn't much on the way. Even here in the "big city" of Athens, there is only a 5x5 block of "downtown." When I'm in New Haven, I always complain about not having a car, but at least I can get around to everything I need to! Here I really don't know how anyone could live without a car. You would even need one to go to the grocery store!
Hope that gives you a little insight into my feelings on my trip to Athens, Georgia! I'll try to post more regularly, but I have a lot more auditions in the next few weeks, so I can't make any promises.
Until next time!
Lauren--I'm finally reading your blog! And it's a hoot. This bit about not knowing the Georgia 'G' just took the cake...welcome to the SEC??