So it has been a long time since I wrote about what I'm reading! Thanks to the Kindle I got for Christmas, I've returned to my voracious reading habits from high school. I'd like to review some of the books I've read recently.
The first thing I did after getting my Kindle was download all of the books the series Game of Thrones was modeled after.
I watched all of the Game of Thrones episodes that had come out by the time I was reading the books (through season 3). The first two books were what had already been covered in the television series, so it wasn't too much new plot. However, I was surprised that I didn't feel bored by it even though I already knew what was about to happen. It was even more exciting when I got to the new plot materials in the later books. I have read other fantasy series in the past such as the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but the Game of Thrones books were much easier to read. There are a lot of characters in these books, which has gotten criticism from some of my friends who have read the books and found it confusing. However, since I watched the show first, I was able to keep all the characters straight since I could put a face with all the names. I highly recommend these books to anyone who likes the show, or anyone who likes fantasy novels.
I'll be back soon with review of some of the other books I've been reading these past few months!
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